The Italian Litter

All of the puppies have been placed with new homes! We are not planning on another litter at this time. Lucca is our only dog and she’s going to spend the next few years just being part of our family. If we breed again, it will be the last time and it won’t be for another few years.

This litter is a pairing between Lucca and Fionn. Click on Fionn’s page to learn more about him. The puppies have arrived! Lucca whelped 10 puppies on July 25th. She labored from 7 AM until almost 11 AM. The litter is 8 females and 2 males and are all a variety of clear sable. Two of them are darker than their siblings. They may end up being more of a red than a blond.

These puppies will be ready for their homes after September 19th. If you are interested in a puppy, please fill out the application, or contact us through the Contact Us page.

This page will be every few weeks, so if you’d like constant, current photos, follow us on Instagram! MordecaiHillES


Venice is a clear sable female with a full collar and a blaze that terminates on her forehead. Her coat will darken over time and she may be the same color as her mother.

Venice was the first born and she wears a red collar. Venice is a sweet girl! She’s always on the move, constantly exploring the pen and trying to sniff the other side. She’s a good cuddler once her explorations are over. Venice is really finding her voice! She will defend her space and maybe even push her siblings around a bit. She’s smaller than half of them, but you couldn’t tell by the way she commands the playground. She recently played with her mom while Lucca was feeding some of her siblings. It was the cutest thing in the world and I forgot what phones were at that time so I didn’t get any photos. She loves exploring the yard and has taken really well to using the potty outside. And inside. She’s an equal opportunity pottier. Just this morning, while her 9 siblings were snoozing in the kitchen, she was off galavanting on the deck, playing happily with a cardboard box we cut into a fort. She’s going to love exploring the world. Grade A adventure, trailblazer pup just like her mom.


Rome was the second born and the first boy and he wears purple! His coat is already a dark brown and will darken over time. He may end up being a deep red color. Rome is always down for a snuggle, he is always snuggling with his siblings or looking for an arm to rest on. He’s a voracious eater but a lean puppy. He’s gone from being the quiet boy to being vocal and playful. He usually fusses when his siblings are trying to sleep because he wants to play a little longer. He’s always on the lookout to explore and is never quite happy with the place he’s in. He’s outside? Wants to go inside. He’s inside? Wants to go outside. He might be a cat.

Rome is easy to get along with and doesn’t normally fight with his siblings. He’ll play but it’s not unusual to see him pinned, he doesn't try to be topdog. Rome it quick to give kisses when picked up and will let us give him hugs without wiggling. He is going to be a social butterfly.


Florence is a female and years yellow. She has a thick blaze up her nose and a thin collar. Her back is nearly a solid color. Only the very ends of her feet are white. She’s darkened over time and is more than likely going to be her mother’s color or darker. Florence is an outgoing puppy! She loves to explore and really enjoys outside time. She plays well with her siblings and occasionally gives out a growl or a bark when one of them is being too extra. Florence is a smart girl and is one of the early adopters of the fake grass for a bathroom! You can already see the wheels in her head spinning. She’s thinking, that’s for sure. She may grow up to be a cautious girl that bonds closely with her people. She seeks us out and wants to be loved on.


Napoli was the 4th born and the second and last boy! He wears a green collar. He is a lighter color with a connected blaze and collar. If sugar was a dog, it would be Napoli. He is always searching for a lap to nap on. Or a snack, he’s a big boy. He’s big into play and will instigate even sleeping puppies. They usually ignore him. Napoli is a people-dog. He wants to be near his people and sometimes takes an extra hug to settle down for the night. He is our big bear of a puppy. Impossibly snuggly and 100% willing to be cuddled. He loves exploring the outdoors. Even with his size, Napoli does not try to be top dog. He’s quick to be on his back when one of his sisters tries to pin him. He’s going to be a cuddly, good boy. He already is, look at that snuggle fluff. Either Napoli is going to be a big dog, or he’s going to plateau early. He weighed in at 8 lbs at his 5.5 week vet visit! Of the two boys, it looks like Napoli will be the best working dog. He’s exhibiting prey drive already.


Verona is a medium dark-colored female and wears blue! She has a wide blaze on her nose and forehead with a thin collar. Her coat is dark at the roots and light at the tips. The resulting coat will be very dynamic. Verona is another cuddle bug! She’s generally quiet but does fuss when it’s time to calm down. It’s like she wants one more hug before going to bed. She loves playing with her siblings and will tire herself out in an epic battle. She’s one of the puppies who has taken to using the fake grass for her bathroom. She also sleeps on it so let’s not get too excited yet. She’s also a cautious girl, much like Florence. Maybe not a social butterfly, but will be loyal and loving. She’ll stick by your side without you having to worry about her running off to meet that lab ahead of you on the trail. She’s quick to give kisses when picked up. She’s such a sweetie.


Siena is a female and wears gray. Her coat is medium dark and she has a blaze that meets her collar but in a broken pattern. Her coat has darkened some but is still lighter than others. Siena is a big girl but never uses her size to overpower her siblings. She’s more of a gentle giant. She’s content in being among the pack and engages in play when instigated. But isn’t normally one of the pups pinning the others. She rarely fusses when being picked up and has joined me for a meeting or two. She will likely be a nice medium-energy dog that does well in a family. On occasion she’ll be the only one awake and instead of letting her wake up her siblings by tugging on their ears, I’ll pick her up and set her in my lab with my computer. She may not stay forever but I can get a solid 20 mins of her just hanging out with me.


Milan is a female and wears black and is another small girl. Her coat is very light and has remained so. I believe she is what they call a “milk” coat. She has a wide blaze on her nose and a collar. Milan is rarely in the pen because she’s always being held by Cam. She’s the most chill girl we have! She never fusses and loves, loves, loves a good snuggle. When she’s not in a good nap, she plays with siblings like the others and explores the pen. Even if she’s in the middle of play, I can pick her up and she’ll hang out in my arms for a hot second just starting into my soul. She really enjoyed the outside and she plays well with her siblings. She’s a bit of an instigator and will make sure her siblings know she’s not to be pushed around. She’s one of the early adopters of using the fake grass for the bathroom. She’s going to be a sweet and smart girl. She’s such a smart girl that she even walks down the ramp and goes to the yard for potties when she can.


Genoa is a female, wears orange and is one of the little girls. Her coat is light and has remained so. She has a blaze that runs up her nose then breaks at her forehead. Genoa is right there with Milan for the calmest girls. She likes to play more than Milan but also calms quickly in a lap or snuggle puddle. She is finding her footing in play and often pins larger puppies. When outside, she chases us around because she wants to play, or be picked up. She’s such a dynamic puppy. She runs around and pounces on her siblings but then she also runs up to us and jumps on our legs so we pick her up for a quick snuggle. She’s quick to give kisses when picked up and she enjoys a good snuggle-hug. She’s going to be a really sweet girl.


Vernazza is a female, wears pink, and is one of the littlest puppies. She is a light-coated clear sable with a blaze up her nose that barely connects to her collar. Vernazza is our underdog! She was the lightest puppy for a long time but then hit a growth spurt! Now she’s only the second lightest…it wasn’t a big growth spurt. She’s a curious girl and somewhat independent. It’s not unusual to see her napping near her siblings but not necessarily with them. She instigates play on a regular basis and doesn’t let her size slow her down. She’ll jump and pounce like she’s a big dog. She’s very loving and will settle in your arms without fuss when picked up. She’s quick to give kisses when picked up and loves a good snuggle-hug. I constantly mistake her for Milan and visa versa, they are very similar. She is also an early adopter of the fake grass for a bathroom. She’s going to be a nice medium energy, smart girl.


Modena is a female and wears white. She was the last born! She is a darker coat than most of her siblings but is not as dark as Rome. Her coat will darken over time and she may will be a red-coated clear sable. Modena is without a doubt the most personality-packed puppy I’ve met. She was the first one to “bark” and growl. She’s full of energy and curiosity. She will let you know that she’s displeased with not being held and when she’s still hungry. Lately, she’s taken to snuggling with me to calm down. I think she’ll end up being a high-energy but family-oriented dog. She is a treasure and reminds me of her mother. She’s going to be quite the adventure buddy and will be up for whatever life throws at her. She is going to bond tightly with her owner just like Lucca.